GrAl Around the World

About Our Blog
As you know by this point, Greg and Allison (GrAl) have made their way to Sydney, Australia. Working and living overseas is something Al has been working towards since she graduated college, something she dabbled with on her backpacking trip around the Asia-Pacific region a decade or so ago. While Covid-19 slowed down the plans, she and Unilever were finally able to make it happen in 2022. Greg, although he never really planned for this before he met Al, has been onboard since she brought it up as a goal several yers ago. He has fully embraced the opportunity to live abroad (and work if he's able to find a job but in no rush to do so and is happy to be a Stay-at-Home-Boyfriend while h can!). As we made our way overseas, we knew it would be difficult to keep connected to all our loved ones. This is our attempt to keep everyone up-to-date on what we are doing and any adventures along the way.